Be The Change The Country needs
At Green Andina, our mission is to transform the lives of the most vulnerable communities in Peru. Through our continued support in essential activities, we seek to enhance their development and ensure that their fundamental human rights are respected and promoted.
Let's Unite In Search Of A Better Future
We are an organization that seeks the best for the vulnerable populations of Peru. We are looking for individuals or organizations that want to join us to give our help to those most in need.
Our Lasts Projects
At the heart of our mission is the unwavering desire to bring light and hope to the most vulnerable communities. We recognize that every gesture of solidarity, however small, has the power to transform lives.
Any help is welcome, you can mark the Difference!
With every project we undertake, we seek to not only alleviate immediate needs, but also sow seeds of hope and strength in children and older adults facing adversity. Your support is essential so we can continue this journey of change and hope.